Is it just me...
Or is the temperature rising in here?
"There must be no confusion in these matters. Any Catholic politicians who advocate for abortion, for illicit stem cell research or for any form of euthanasia ipso facto place themselves outside full communion with the Church and so jeopardize their salvation. Any Catholics who vote for candidates who stand for abortion, illicit stem cell research or euthanasia suffer the same fateful consequences. It is for this reason that ehse Catholics, whether candidates for office or those who would vote for them, may not receive Holy Communion until they have recanted their positions and been reconciled with God and the Church in the Sacrament of Penance."
--Michael Sheridan, Bishop of Colorado Springs, Pastoral Letter, May 1, 2004.
"You cannot have your 'waffle' and your 'wafer' too. Those pro-abortion politicians who insist on calling themselves Catholics without seeing the contradiction between what they say they believe and their anti-life stance have to do a lot more of 'practicing.' They need to get it right before they approach the Eucharistic table."
-Thomas Wenski, coadjutor Bishop of Orlando, Article (unavailable), 5/3/2004.
"Catholics who publicly dissent from the Church's teaching on the right to life of all unborn children should recognize that they have freely chosen by their own actions to separate themselves from what the Church believes and teaches. The Church cannot force such people to change their position; but she can and does ask them honestly to admit in the public forum that they are not in full union with the Church. One who practices such dissent . . . has abandoned the full Catholic faith. For such a person to express 'communion' with Christ and His Church by the reception of the Sacrament of the Eucharist is objectively dishonest."
--John J. Myers, Archbishop of Newark, Pastoral Statement, 5/5/2004.
# posted by Jamie : 1:03 PM