The Anglican Communion's singular obsession . . .
To become, at all costs and by whatever means, a fad.
The Archbishop of Canterbury, 'spiritual leader' of 70 million Anglicans, who last month commissioned his seminarians with the solemn mission of watching soap operas, has seemingly grown dissatisfied with the pace at which he is "pushing [the Church] back a little bit towards the cultural mainstream" (which, incidentally, he views as the ultimate goal of his ministry as Archbishop). Thus, in two news items yesterday, he has simultaneously offered to play a role on The Simpsons, and endorsed a handy new version of the Bible which, among other things, nicknames Peter 'Rocky and Mary Magdalen 'Maggie,' and paraphrases St. Paul's advice as "There's nothing wrong with remaining single, like me. But if you know you have strong needs, get yourself a partner. Better than being frustrated."
That St. Thomas More would have lived to see the day.
UPDATE: I just have to re-post this comment by Jimmy Akin: "This is less surprising than one might think since the Anglican communion's recent history resembles episodes of The Simpsons."
UPDATE: For a fuller list of quotes, which will make you want to laugh and cry at the same time, try this.
# posted by Jamie : 2:24 PM