More good news from Australia
How did I miss this? At the same time the Rainbow Sash Gestapo was dividing the U.S. bishops last week, the Iron Man (a.k.a. Archbishop George Pell of Sydney) was standing as strong as, well . . . iron, against the RSG Down Under. Quoth the Iron Man, "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve, and important consequences follow from this." Cardinal George's men at least gave the RSG a blessing. Not so the Iron Man, not so. His response, as recorded in this article, almost makes me want to move to a certain recuperating British prison colony. Almost.
By the way, since when is it 'lashing out' to refuse to give the Holy Sacrament to a bunch of rainbow-wearing yahoos cavorting through your cathedral in a childish and vain attempt at moral protest?
(Um, I think this came from...oh yeah, Earl at CKW.)
# posted by Jamie : 3:50 PM