A Curious Kind of Parish
Bill Cork reports on this story in the Daily Standard about John Kerry's parish in Boston, the Paulist Center. As Cork quips, this is 'Where those who hate the Church go to church.' Besides boasting the most nightmarish crucifix known to man (which looks straight out of Edgar Allen Poe), the Paulist Center exists to serve "those persons searching for a spiritual home and those who have been alienated from the Catholic Church." As the article notes, this sort of liturgical milieu "explains why John Kerry feels so comfortable at the Paulist Center. His fellow parishioners aren't gritting their teeth and looking away while he fights for abortion and defies the Catholic Church. They're cheering him on."
And lest we lay the culpability for this parish's existence exclusively on the shoulders of the good Archbishop O'Malley, remember that it's not his church. Although it operates only with his permission, the Paulist Center is run by the Paulist Fathers, who are to blame for more than one bad parish in the U.S.
Incidentally, the director of the Paulist Center has been - imagine this - invited to give the 'consecration' of the Democratic National Convention in Boston. Wouldn't want to risk a showdown with the Archbishop of that city, who's on record saying that pro-abortion 'Catholic' politicians 'shouldn't dare to come to communion.'
# posted by Jamie : 11:55 AM