On Schism and Wife Beaters
Now we're all used to the phenomonon of disgruntled Catholics, frustrated because their 'voices aren't being heard' or because the nasty hierarchy is not being sufficiently sensitive to their concerns, up and setting up their own 'independent Catholic churches' (can you say oxymoron?). Early May saw the establishment of 'Christ Hope Ecumenical Church' (reported here) in Pittsburgh, and yesterday I mentioned the 'Polish National Catholic Church' in a post. Just skimming through google today I discovered the 'American Catholic Church,' the 'American Catholic Church in the United States,' the 'National Catholic Church of America,' and the 'American Old Catholic Church.' (What is it about this being a uniquely 'American' phenomenon?) As an aside, I think it would be an interesting contest here on St. Blog's to see who can come up with the most extensive list of schismatic Catholic communities.
In any case, I digress. What got my attention today was this story (from Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam) about the newest such scenario, this time in Milwaukee Archdiocese.
Now, the interesting thing about this case is the rather unique circumstances surrounding it. Looking at all the above scenarios, what they have in common is the claim to offer something not offered by the [Real] Catholic Church, whether it be the willingness to ordain anyone with a pulse, or the willingness to give a sacerdotal blessing to any and every form of sexual perversity, no matter how creative. But, really, what does this guy have to offer?
I mean, would you attend a 'mass' [sic] celebrated between two weight benches on a rec room floor presided over by a defrocked and overweight homosexual child molester dressed in a wife beater*?
(That's what's known as a rhetorical question, by the way.)
(*'wife beater,' for those woefully unhinged from pop culture, has nothing to do with spousal abuse, but is rather a slang term for what is more properly referred to as an 'athletic shirt' - thanks to my boy 'Fresh P.' for the tip.)
# posted by Jamie : 12:17 PM