Thursday, August 12, 2004
Takashi Nagai and the Spiritual Meaning of the H-Bomb
At the end of his book The Bells of Nagasaki, [Takashi Nagai] wrote, " Will humanity be happy in the atomic age, or truly miserable? What shall we do with this double-edged sword hidden in the universe by God and now discovered by man? A good use of it would be to make great strides of progress for civilization; an evil one would destroy the world. The decision rests in the free will of man. He holds his own destiny in his hands. When we think of it, we are struck with terror and, for my part, I believe that a true religious spirit is the sole guarantee in this area... On our knees, among the ashes of the atomic desert, we pray that Urakami will be the last victim of the bomb. The bell is ringing... 0 Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee."
# posted by Jamie : 9:17 AM