Various Items
Here's the much-discussed "An Open Letter From Fellow Catholics To John Kerry On Faith & Reason," which was published in newspapers in several swing states on Wednesday. It's signed by some impressive names, including Scott Hahn and some other notables.
And the good Bishop Paul Loverde of Arlington has tossed in his contribution to the 'Catholicism' of John Kerry [sic]:
"The error is simply this: the wrongness of direct abortion is decidedly not just "an article of faith." Rather, it is rooted in the natural law. Citing legislators who say "I am personally opposed to abortion, but I cannot impose my religious beliefs on others," my predecessor, Bishop John Keating, spoke clearly in words which I echo today:
'The fallacy in this reasoning is simply that the morality of abortion is not a religious belief, any more than the morality of slavery, apartheid, rape, larceny, murder or arson is a religious belief. These are norms of the natural law of mankind and can be legislated even in a completely religionless society' (A Pastoral Letter on Morality and Conscience, 1994).
To be a faithful Catholic necessarily means that one is pro-life and not pro-choice. To be pro-choice essentially means supporting the right of a woman to terminate the life of her baby, either preborn or partially born. No Catholic can claim to be a faithful member of the Church while advocating for, or actively supporting, direct attacks on innocent human life. In reality, protecting human life from conception to natural death is far more than a Catholic issue. It is an issue that cuts across denominational lines. It is an issue of fundamental morality, rooted in both the natural moral law and the divine law. Because of this, no other issue is objectively more important. Therefore, both as citizens and as Catholics, we can never give up our efforts to eliminate the killing of innocent, defenseless human beings" [emphases and hyperlink added].
Both items from Catholic(?) Kerry Watch.
# posted by Jamie : 8:32 AM