Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Fr. Bryce Sibley at Saintly Salmagundi just discovered an authenic recognitio for P.O.D. in the online Acronym Finder. He also points us to an article about himself in the Register. I liked this line: "Father Sibley has taken it upon himself to be an example to men in general, as men being men," [a parishioners] adds. "He seems to be very sure of his masculinity and very proud of it."
Maybe the rabbit-hunting trip that Father is on today, avec falconry, is part and parcel of this masculinity.
But of course, being the Medieval aficinado that I am, this has to recall for me the declarations of more than a few synods: We forbid hunting and fowling to all clerics; wherefore, let them not presume to keep dogs and birds for these purposes. (Lateran IV, can. 15)
They shall, moreover, at all times wear a becoming dress, both in and out of church; shall abstain from unlawful hunting, hawking, dancing, taverns, and gaines (Trent, Session 24, c. 12).
Of course, a full implementation of Trent would have to bring up that awkward 'taverns' clause. I'd love to see them implement that in a few countries off northern Europe. I wonder, incidentally, if a more recent reform council would have to ban 'rapping' from clerical activities. We might see the end of Fr. Stan Fortuna, the 'rapping monk.'
# posted by Jamie : 7:50 AM