Wednesday, December 01, 2004
A number of news outlets, secular and Catholic, have reported on the Holy Father's request to the American bishops to establish a National Day of Prayer for Priestly Vocations.
I finally found the full text of the ad limina address in question on the Vatican website, after a lengthy search:
An essential concern of responsible governance must also be to provide for the future. No one can deny that the decline in priestly vocations represents a stark challenge for the Church in the United States, and one that cannot be ignored or put off. The response to this challenge must be insistent prayer according to the Lord's command (cf. Mt 9:37-38), accompanied by a program of vocational promotion which branches out to every aspect of ecclesial life. Inasmuch as "the entire People of God is responsible for promoting vocations, and does so chiefly by persistent and humble prayer for vocations" (Ecclesia in America, 40), I would propose for your consideration that the Catholic community in your country annually set aside a national day of prayer for priestly vocations.
# posted by Jamie : 11:51 AM