Yikes, has it been one month? Many apologies for my long absence, and much gratitude for the many congratulatory responses to my lasts posts. Between a newborn, a languishing dissertation, oodles of business trips and the Top Secret Project that's had me working nights for the past six weeks (and no, I don't mean the baby), my world has pretty much been rocked. But things gradually begin to settle down, notwithstanding the weeks of further travel coming down the pike in the next three months.
And, well, I can't help but lay this out here. In the last month I read one of the finest articles I have yet read - no,
the finest - on the theological anthropology of our friend Origen of Alexandria (my dissertation topic, for the fans). In a mere seven pages, the author manages to show not only an acquaintance, but a mastery of past and recent scholarship on Origen, along with an in-depth familarity with even his most obscure writings, and, most impressively, a breadth of knowledge of the patristic theological tradition which allows him to situate Origen in his own historical-doctrinal setting. Published as one a part of the Colloquium
Origeniana Tertia (Edizioni dell'Ateneo, 1985), its author . . . ready for this . . . one
Father Rowan Williams. I had heard, I think, that the arch-druid was, despite all assumptions, a first-rate theologian, but it's quite another thing to see this evidenced in print.